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BBA 2201 Principles of Accounting

bba 2201 principles of accounting
Course ID


  1. Examine the accounting cycle.
  2. Identify business transactions.
  3. Generate inventory systems and costing methods.
  4. Appraise the classes and transactions of liabilities.
  5. Formulate financial statements according to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
  6. Analyze financial statements to inform decision makers.
  7. Evaluate internal accounting controls.
  8. Compare International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
bba 2201 principles of accounting




Horngren’s accounting (Rev: 11th ed.)

Publisher: Pearson (2016)

Author: Miller-Nobles, T., Mattison, B., & Matsumura, E. M.

ISBN: 978-0-13-385678-1

* Disclaimer: Textbooks listed are based on the last open revision of the course. Prior revisions and future revisions may use different textbooks. To verify textbook information, view the course syllabus or contact the AU Bookstore at