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BCJ 2000 Introduction to Criminal Justice

bba 2201 principles of accounting
Course ID


  1. Summarize the core segments of the U.S. criminal justice system and the interactions between each segment.
  2. Explain the evolution of the modern-day law enforcement system.
  3. Compare the sentencing and court structures of the American court system.
  4. Examine the role of the American correctional system to include probation, parole, and community corrections supervision models.
  5. Assess the role of homeland security in the 21st century American criminal justice system.
  6. Examine the use of technology in modern day criminal justice agencies.
  7. Compare the crime control model and due process model within the law enforcement system.
bba 2201 principles of accounting




Criminal justice: A brief introduction (Rev: 11th ed.)

Publisher: Pearson (2016)

Author: Schmalleger, F.

ISBN: 978-0-13-359131-6

* Disclaimer: Textbooks listed are based on the last open revision of the course. Prior revisions and future revisions may use different textbooks. To verify textbook information, view the course syllabus or contact the AU Bookstore at