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BCJ 2001 Theory and Practices of Law Enforcement

bba 2201
Course ID


  1. Differentiate between historic and contemporary viewpoints regarding types of crime, such as conventional and economic crimes.
  2. Analyze the term crime in relation to social processes.
  3. Explain why the study of criminal procedure requires a balance between an individual’s right to due process and society’s need for law and order.
  4. Examine the impact of the policing evolution in the United States on patrol operations.
  5. Discuss contemporary issues that affect law enforcement agencies.
  6. Compare and contrast the theories of punishment in the American criminal justice system.
  7. Summarize the institutional programs associated with maximum, medium, and minimum security prisons.
  8. Analyze the United States juvenile justice system to include programs related to juvenile justice.
  9. Interpret how emerging drug trends affect crime and the criminal justice system.
bba 2201




Police (Rev: 2nd ed.)

Publisher: Delmar (2013)

Author: Dempsey, J. S., & Forst, L. S.

ISBN: 978-1-133-01665-6

* Disclaimer: Textbooks listed are based on the last open revision of the course. Prior revisions and future revisions may use different textbooks. To verify textbook information, view the course syllabus or contact the AU Bookstore at gro.vnua@erotskoob