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BEM 3501: Air Quality

bba 2201
Course ID


  1. Provide a comprehensive overview of air quality problems with particular emphasis on the ambient environment.
  2. Describe atmospheric dispersion, transport and deposition characteristics for pollutants.
  3. Demonstrate the effects of air pollutants on human health and the environment.
  4. Discuss various techniques for air quality monitoring and emissions assessments.
  5. Describe regulatory principles/requirements for the control of ambient air pollution.
  6. Define and analyze principles and technology used to control emissions from mobile and stationary sources.
  7. Distinguish air quality concerns in the indoor environment.
  8. Explain and illustrate noise as an air quality concern.
bba 2201




Fundamentals of air pollution (Rev: 5th ed.)

Publisher: Academic Press (2014)
Author: Vallero, D.
ISBN: 978-0-12-401733-7

* Disclaimer: Textbooks listed are based on the last open revision of the course. Prior revisions and future revisions may use different textbooks. To verify textbook information, view the course syllabus or contact the AU Bookstore at gro.vnua@erotskoob