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EMG 3304 Emergency Management in Terrorism

bba 2201
Course ID


  1. Apply the key concepts and principles of emergency management to terrorist scenarios.
  2. Explain the significance of preparedness, incident response, and mitigation in terrorist scenarios.
  3. Examine the lessons learned from actual terrorist activities that have occurred throughout history.
  4. Evaluate risks and hazards inherent in a terrorism scene.
  5. Formulate guidelines for safe and effective function as an emergency manager at a terrorism scene.
bba 2201




Integrated Learning Resource

Publisher: (No information available)

Author: (No information available)

ISBN: (No information available)

* Disclaimer: Textbooks listed are based on the last open revision of the course. Prior revisions and future revisions may use different textbooks. To verify textbook information, view the course syllabus or contact the AU Bookstore at gro.vnua@erotskoob