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MOS 6625: System Safety Engineering

bba 2201
Course ID


  1. Summarize fundamental concepts in safety engineering.
  2. Analyze public policy issues with consideration given to societal norms and preferences related to engineering systems.
  3. Evaluate new approaches to safety based on modern systems thinking and theory.
  4. Assess safety data analysis methods that are used for achieving a satisfactory state of safety.
  5. Evaluate decision and evaluation tools to reduce accidents and to make systems and sophisticated products safer.
bba 2201


  1. MOS 5201


System safety engineering and risk assessment: A practical approach (Rev: 2nd ed.)

Publisher: CRC Press (2015)
Author: Bahr, N. J.
ISBN: 9781466551602
* Disclaimer: Textbooks listed are based on the last open revision of the course. Prior revisions and future revisions may use different textbooks. To verify textbook information, view the course syllabus or contact the AU Bookstore at gro.vnua@erotskoob