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PUA 5301: Administration of Public Institutions

bba 2201 principles of accounting
Course ID


  1. Define public administration as a multidisciplinary field of research and practice and the concepts of ontology and epistemology.
  2. Explain the concepts of reinvention and intergovernmental relations (IGR) in public service.
  3. Demonstrate applicable financial management and budgeting methods useful in public administration to solve real-world problems.
  4. Identify how codes of honor, conduct, and ethics relate to public administration and recognize standards of conduct.
  5. Compare human resource management and leadership roles and responsibilities of public managers in public organizations to solve problems in the public agency/organization.
  6. Reconstruct public administration theories to explain the evolving theoretical foundations of social equity, equality, and discrimination policies in managing public organizations.
  7. Deconstruct and provide analysis of collaboration and coordination theories related to financial accountability and agency transparency in public agencies.
  8. Evaluate the applicability and usefulness of historical and contemporary public administration theories on future trends in public administration.
bba 2201 principles of accounting




Introducing public administration (Rev: 8th ed.)

Publisher: Routledge (2013)
Author: Shafritz, J. M., Russell, E. W., & Borick, C. P.
ISBN: 978-0-205-85589-6
* Disclaimer: Textbooks listed are based on the last open revision of the course. Prior revisions and future revisions may use different textbooks. To verify textbook information, view the course syllabus or contact the AU Bookstore at